[Major Update Version 2.1.0] - New Features and Bug Fixes!

Both Plugins (MZ and MV) have been updated
[Version 2.1.0]

MZ Version:

  • New Command (displayInput): display the text input by the user through userInput command in a customizable ShowTextWindow.  Customize actor images, names and placeholder texts within the window.

MV Version:

  • New Command (InputWithImage): Create a ShowText Window with an actorImage and placeholder text where players can input text and define a variable to store the input in.
  • New Command (InputBlank): Create a ShowText Window with a placeholder text and no image and define a variable to store the input in.
  • New Command (DisplayReponse): Display the text stored in a variable in a dialogue window

Bug Fixes:

  • Both Plugins have been updated in order to be integrated more smoothly into other game events. 

Get Player Text Input Plugin [RPG Maker MZ]

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